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GISH Hall of Fame 2020

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2020. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.

Item 17: American politics in a nutshell. Literally. - Brio444

Team Hooligans

Item 254: The boogie-woogie bugle Sqroose of Company G.

Team Why_Misha_Why

Item 255: Make an image of one of these 2020 Calendar Grids (like this) for any #Supernatural actor (or any other celebrity of your choosing). Post it to social media tagging the actor, #GISH & #2020MakesMeFeelLike.

Team EndCovid

Comment: Poor Baby has had a rough go of 2020. https://twitter.com/JungSwan84/status/1291913084177711104?s=19

Item 73: Create a story quilt about 2020 for future generations. In keeping with the true experience of 2020, it should incorporate some burlap or other really rough material.

Team TwoChickenDinners

Comment: This project created some amazing memories with my girls. While 2020 has been nothing but challenges, having my college kid and my high school kid become so close during this time of quarantine make the meaning behind this quilt and how it came together even more special. Thanks GISH.

Item 50: Every Gisher has the soul of an epic poet, and we can prove it. Each member of your team should write one line of an epic poem on social media about overcoming hardship so that it flows brilliantly as a cohesive piece.
  1. The Captain of your team should post this as the first line of your poem: "We've got work to do… #GISHEpicPoems"
  2. Then, each active member of your team should chime in with a subsequent line (and ONLY one line) of poetry in a threaded post, each tagging #GISHEpicPoems.
  3. At the end, the Captain should post: "But nothing ever really ends... does it? #GISHEpicPoems" and tag another team to continue the thread.
  4. If your team is tagged by another team, continue the thread with Step A.
Your poem may not be about any fandom or feature any pop culture characters. Submit an image of your finished poem and then also submit it HEREin text. (If any of your teammates cannot access your team's chosen platform due to censorship or restrictions in their country of origin, and you have no other social media platform options that are fully inclusive, the Team Captain may post the line they have authored in their stead and tag it with the author's username.)

Team RunningGag