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GISH Hall of Fame 2020 Halloween Haunt

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2020 Halloween Haunt. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.

Item 25: Some ghosts/demons/zombies are still interested in romance, and we don’t judge. Let’s see their boo-doir photography portraits. This must be safe for work to be submitted! The spirit’s mother could see this!

Team #spnfamilyforeverLovesOrangePawsLovesCraneMakersLovesDolphinDelightsLovesSylvesterLovesSparkleUnicornsLovesFantasmitasLovesJustMe?LovesPumpkinlovers

Item 55: For centuries, monsters have scared humans the same way. But some of them have learned a few new tricks along the way. Show an early-adopter monster, using innovative modern technology to scare humans. - Kriti

Team SneakyPickle

Item 41: Did you think we were gonna ignore your efforts in summer to build a socially distanced trick or treating apparatus? Of course we are. It’s time to upgrade it: create a socially-distanced miniature candy rollercoaster or Rube Goldberg machine that delivers a treat, from at least 10 feet away, to a trick or treater. If a roller coaster, the candy must loop-the-loop.

Team DevilLlamas

Item 47: A scene of Sam, Dean, or Castiel (or any combination of those) desperately fighting the dreaded, fearsome wholly unvanquishable... Care Bear Stare.

Team SurroundedByWitches

Comment: goodbye childhood

Item 68: KIDS MENU. Minecraft has gone analog! Make your GISH Haunted House Minecraft style: at home with boxes (and if you have it, make a version in the game, too). - Inspired by Arden C.

Team ItlMooseAvngngBdgrs

Comment: A little Minecraft house complete with balcony