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GISH Hall of Fame 2022

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2022. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.

Item 7: ZOOM PANEL #6 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3 AT 12:00PM PT (Pacific Time): Laura Jack, Compassion Code Academy
Watch the panel here!
Zoom Challenge: Laura Jack described how everyone has struggles that they often hide from public view. Make a reusable, portable sign (such as a chalkboard, whiteboard, or letter board) that says “I am struggling with ______________” OR “The truth is, I feel ______________” and get someone to fill in the blank with something that has been challenging them. Take a photo of them holding the sign and posing in the most happy, beautiful, carefree pose they can. Post your image on Instagram, tagging #GISH and @laurajackcoaching. Make sure you have their permission to post their photo! Laura would love for people to read pages 7-9 from the Compassion Code Starter Guide before attempting the challenge so they can be kind and thoughtful about their approach.

Team WaywardAsF

Comment: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg7AJMGAg0-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Item 71: John Oliver complained that his shower doesn't have a setting for "more pulp." Don't let his dreams be dreams! Show a person showering with the shower valve set to "Extra Pulp." Post it on social media and tag @IAmJohnOliver, #PulpyShowers and #GISH.

Team MishasDeviantAngelsLovesChronicallyWeird

Comment: Zannafly of Misha's Deviant Angels

Item 25: Son-flower.

Team MishteryMachine

Comment: Benjamin - age 4, big fan of flowers

Item 5: ZOOM PANEL #4 TUESDAY, AUGUST 2 AT 11:00AM PT (Pacific Time): Fraser Cain, Universe Today
Watch the panel here!
Zoom Challenge: Fraser Cain from Universe Today described why space exploration is critical for the progress of humanity, but it's a big universe and we're going to need a lot of help, so it's time to get machines in on the creativity. Build a Von Neumann probe: a self-replicating robot or device capable of making a new version of itself. Is a 3-D printerbot, printing a new 3-D printerbot? Is it a knitted knittingbot, knitting another knittingbot? A dancerbot that makes its own backup dancerbots? Show us your most creative Von Neumann probe. Be sure to show us that it can be turned off — we don't want a Reaper situation on our hands! Post your videos on social media, tagging @fcain, @universetoday and #GISH.

Team VeniVidiGishi

Comment: Link to social media post: https://twitter.com/VGishi/status/1555911355873390594?s=20&t=FsIVnHKY8aueTjBOW_f84w

Item 81: At GISH we are ALL ABOUT EFFICIENCY, and when you're flying off to the beaches of Majorca you want to look good, but you know “base tans” are out and SPF is in. So we are introducing a new initiative in partnership with airport security agencies around the world: GISHCorp's new "Tan & Scan:" It's a checkpoint body scanner that also gives you a vacation-ready spray tan for a safe bronze glow! Show us how it works. (If you don't want/need a spray tan, show us a different feature of GISHCorp's Secure Summer Scanner that helps you get summer-ready as you pass through.)

Team TeamFreeFabulous