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GISH Hall of Fame 2021 - GISH Fest

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2021 - GISH Fest. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.

Item 9: Rock stars are iconic: Paint your favorite rock & roll icon, album cover, or song lyric on a rock. You may ONLY use non-toxic, washable paints. - Monica S.

Team HersheyGishers

Item 13: Fyre Fest was legendary for being a terribly overhyped festival whose “gourmet” meal was a simple, cold cheese sandwich, but GISH Fest would never do you dirty like that. Your proof: the #GISH Fest menu is the most extravagant gourmet GRILLED cheese the world has ever seen — but it’s DIY, so you have to make it yourself. (Make us look good. The Internet is watching.) Bonus points if you grill the GISH logo into the bread.

Team NinjapandasmayminiLovesNObody

Item 40: KIDS TENT. We all know that you can spot animals in the clouds. Find something in your house or garden that looks like an animal, but isn’t an animal, and take a picture! - Inspired by Heather

Team TeamDayGisher

Comment: This is the most beautiful snail I've ever seen!

Item 21: This GISH Hunt is small at only 6 hours long, but that’s more than enough time to do something big. There’s something you’ve always wanted to do that you’ve never gotten around to and you could do it right now if you just faced the music. Silence your inner critic and dance to the beat of your own drum: Paint that picture! Tell someone how you feel! Organize that closet or pantry! Sculpt that sculpture! Apply to run for office! Cut and/or dye your hair. You get the point – and you’ll get the points, too. Do that thing that you’ve been thinking about for far too long. Upload an image or video showcasing your achievement. Tell us what you did in the comments section - and how long you've been waiting to do it.

Team StoneWarriors2021

Comment: I’ve been struggling with my sexuality for a long time. I’m out to my twitter friends, and a few trusted friends in real life, but not to the people who I actually live with. My mom is a pretty understanding person, she’s actually one of the coolest people I know, so I honestly don’t know why I kept pushing this off. I guess my fear took control over me. So here’s me taking control back. Thanks Gish! (I still haven’t replied to her. I don’t know what to say. I’m honestly still crying as I’m typing this out. Help?)

Item 30: (UP TO 15 SECONDS, SHOT PORTRAIT/VERTICAL). The Renegade. Savage. The Rebel. TikTok dance challenges come and go, but look out! Here comes the weirdest dance craze of all: the “GISH” — which you just invented. Post it to TikTok and other social media platforms tagged #GISH, our new @GISH TikTok account and #GISHDanceChallenge. Submit your original video with a link to the social media post and tell us how many likes it got by the end of GISH Fest.

Team JustMeAloneThisTime

Comment: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMeW2Eh6D/ At submission it had received 17 likes in total (11 on Tiktok, 4 on Facebook, 2 on Instagram & 0 on Twitter).