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GISH Hall of Fame 2020 May Mini Hunt

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2020 May Mini Hunt. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.

Item 83: With the help of a grownup, find the oldest ancestral furniture, relic or picture in the house and hear the story behind it. For example, I have my great, great grandmother's cutting board. What's something that's been passed down in your family? Make sure to caption the photo so we know what we're seeing and who it belonged to.

Team FieryShoestrings5.6LovesCarolinaCuties

Item 10: Eventually (maybe years from now) face masks won't be needed as much as they are now, but it would be such a waste if they all went to landfills. USING AN OLD FACEMASK THAT IS NO LONGER USABLE, devise a fashion accessory for your pet. - Emily

Team AssButters

Item 38: Grown-up cereal is so boring. Create a re-imagined box of Boring Bran Flakes with a snazzy character in a suit, marshmallows shaped like household bills, etc. and puzzles and games all on the back. This can be a painting/drawing or digital recreation.

Team IDontUndertstandThatReferenceLovesDefacedCabbages

Item 103: You're so amazing, you can make rainbows! Make a rainbow using light and water (like from a hose).

Team HappyHourEveryHour

Item 4: Last quarantine hunt we had people making signs to show appreciation for first responders and medical professionals. This Hunt, we would like to turn our attention to showing support to people of color whose lives are impacted or even lost because of the institutional racism in the American criminal justice system. Make a sign showing your solidarity for Black Lives Matter or in memory of George Floyd or other people of color impacted by racism and post it in your window or in your front yard.

Team PositivelyMentalLovesRainbowExplosionLoves[EnterNameHere]LovesDoAllTheThingsLovesTheEnlightenedStick

Comment: All lives will matter when black lives matter. #solidarity