GISH Hall of Fame 2022 - Book Bash
Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!
The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2022 - Book Bash. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.
Item 29: It’s time for "tall tale tag"… and you’re It! Captains, quote tweet THIS POST; write the next part of the story and tag another teammMate. That teammate should REPLY to your quote-tweeted post, writing the next part of a story and tagging another teammate. Then, all other teammates should continue REPLYING and TAGGING each other in turn until you have told a story in a Tweet thread of at least 10 posts, with no user repeating two turns in a row. Then find other Gishers not on your team and taAg them to add to your story, too. Confused? Great. We’re doing our job. Tag your posts @GISH & #TallTaleTag & #GISH. Submit a screenshot of your tweet thread and a link to your thread in the comments. Bonus points for the most outlandish, hilarious tall tale you can tell.
Team MishasSpaceOtters

Team Fictioneers
Comment: @JaymeBeanAuthor from Team Amaranthine contributed to the story.
Members of Team Fictioneers who participated:
@Kleineganz (Gabriel, Team Captain)
@MlssaM (Melissa)
@Hayatonyaaa (Kitsy/Kimberly)
@gypsyqueen80 (Kim)

Team Subtext

Team ArtfulDodgers

Team TimeKnifeLovesSameBriansSquad
Comment: noodleyful, deathbycoldopen, cass, and Ashley Dylan are all on our team, and chocmoojoo is from Team TheKarmicTurtles!
Here's the link the to the thread:

Team WaywardSunshines