GISH Hall of Fame 2020 May Mini Hunt
Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!
The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2020 May Mini Hunt. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.
Item 79: When I was a kid, I found a tiny piece of colored glass in my yard and was convinced it was a powerful magic crystal. Thinking back, I now think it probably was. Have your parents bury something special, then have them create a treasure map so you can go on an archaeological dig in your backyard to find a hidden treasure in the ground.
Team hooligans
Comment: Butterbean had a brilliant time with this! She knew that X marked the spot near the old tree stump but there are THREE old tree stumps. She found the booty!

Team EeekSquad!
Comment: Evelyn loved this! She's always staging hunts for the dogs, and she loved having a turn to go looking.

Team Wayward_Sunshines

Team TheWaywardOnes

Team Mishas_DisciplesLovesFUNTIMEintensive
Comment: A little repurpose from last mini-hunt (and this one)... She loved the map, nonplussed by the treasure. Kids.
A link to real time map transformation vid:

Team SpidermanJustAtHomeLovesWINchesters
Comment: The instructions for the map had lots of movements (jumps, skipping, somersaults, tiptoes). The journey to finding the treasure was filled with so much joy! Finding the treasure was fun, but exploring was even more fun!