GISH Hall of Fame 2020 May Mini Hunt
Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!
The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2020 May Mini Hunt. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.
Item 40: Watch Ava Duvernay's 13th. Take a photo of yourself watching it and holding up a note with a word that encapsulates how you feel about what you viewed.
Team Mishjas
Comment: I watched '13th' for the first time in college, 2016. Unfortunately, T(D)rump was elected a few short months later. Very memorable in more ways than one.

Team SquirrelHuntersLovesHunniBadger

Team Gnomad

Team CerealKillersLovesGOATHEADS

Team EveryWitchWay

Team SabrielShipsDestiel
Comment: While I was watching the documental I couldn't bealive what I was witnessing, I felt overwhelmed by all the feelings that came to me and just couldn't pick out one word. I'm from México and I had no idea of this american story.