GISH Hall of Fame 2020 May Mini Hunt

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt!

The submissions below were selected by HARSHers, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of GISH 2020 May Mini Hunt. Enjoy exploring the weirdness! Browse through them, or click on an item number to see the top submissions.

Item 28: No one has really said much about the stormtroopers during quarantine. How are they coping? Show us a stormtrooper's quarantine routine. Are they doing homeschool for their kids? Zooming? Cleaning house?

Team GISHVID-19-2020-2.0LovesMajorHunks

Team SaltyCirclesLovesMisfitMurphys

Comment: “If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing poles,” Doug Larson.

Team VenomousNarwhalsLovesScoutsrule

Comment: Work Together. Fight Covid!

Team FieryDemonicPassionLovesI*HAVE*LYSOL*SPRAY!

Team HappyHourEveryHour

Team GishHardOrGishGnome

Comment: What else would a Stormtrooper be doing during quarantine? Gish of course!!!

Browse items in the GISH Hall of Fame 2020 May Mini Hunt