Gishwhes Hall of Fame 2017
Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen!
The submissions below were selected by Fegvepians, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of Gishwhes 2017. Enjoy exploring the weirdness!
Item 169: Write "Ass butt" (in non-toxic kids finger paint or chalk!) on the hindquarters of an Ass. (This should go without saying, but be careful & safe. Approach from the side, never stand directly behind it, and try to keep the donkey happy so you don't get injured.)
Team Widdermonsters

Team BigDamHeroes
Comment: This is Cherry Pie which is pretty fitting, she's the sweetest donkey ever. And that's spray cheese on her booty.

Team GuardiansOfTheGishalaxy
Comment: This ass was so sweet... his name is Tookus! He had no problem with me carefully painting on his behind!

Team HuntersLove
Comment: Cas discovers what a REAL ass butt is.

Team SuperSecretIndependentPorcupandaGroomingClub

Team HotMessMombiesLovesGishteamMn
Comment: This is Ed, he is 19 years old. Ed was a birthday gift to his owner, to this day they still have great times together. Lots of love for Mr Ed :) !!