Gishwhes Hall of Fame 2017
Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen!
The submissions below were selected by Fegvepians, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of Gishwhes 2017. Enjoy exploring the weirdness!
Item 163: This Hunt’s must-have fashion trend: an aquarium hat with live fish. The aquarium hat must not endanger the live fish in any way.
Team SmellsLikeVictory
Comment: Kraken would not SWIM! Once we got home and settled for the night he decided to swim around. Kraken is a dick.

Team DeusExMishina

Team PorcupineMeatballs
Comment: This hat is all the rage at the Aquarium! Starring Michelle B. and Gishy the Fishy in his debut modeling career!

Team ZombotLovesATXHomies
Comment: Mr. Blue was quite pleased with his latest automaton. He had the hardest time deciding between the Club Body Guard© and the French China Doll© models but was glad he went with the china doll. The control center and garments really matched his scales.

Team ThePunGishers

Team HoneyCombMilitia
Comment: Bob & I enjoying a nice sunset on the pier