Gishwhes Hall of Fame 2016

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen!

The submissions below were selected by Fegvepians, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of Gishwhes 2016. Enjoy exploring the weirdness!

Item 93: You know those Chinese festival dragons where several people are hidden under the cloth of the body and tail? Make one of those, but have it be the largest Castiel ever seen: there should be one “head” and then everyone else must be under a massively long, large, and brown home-made looking trench coat behind the head (there must be at least 7 people under the "coat"). Make sure your Castiel New Year’s Festival is celebrated in public in a crowded venue.

Team Elvis_Wielding_Keys_Of_Night

Comment: Definitely my favorite item this year! The people at Hot Topic got such a kick out of us-Mackenzie Gomes

Team Anarchy&Chaos

Comment: It is really hot in Castiel's trench coat!

Team PrettyBoyAngels

Team TrashBrigade

Comment: Luckily these two brave swordsman from the local Renaissance Faire were willing to slay this terrible dragon.

Team Purgatorgy

Team MishaMishaMishaLovesforthewin

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