Gishwhes Hall of Fame 2016

Welcome to the world’s weirdest, wildest, most beautiful and strange images and videos from the
Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen!

The submissions below were selected by Fegvepians, Misha and the Judges to be the best of the best of Gishwhes 2016. Enjoy exploring the weirdness!

Item 143: As you may know, Rob Benedict & Richard Speight are currently in production on their new series, "Kings of Con", where they play MC's on the sci-fi convention circuit as the eponymous kings of conventions. What you may not know is that their agent messed up and booked King Kong and the Kings of Con to MC the same convention. Draw or paint these three giants of the con circuit trying to share the stage or green room. Either Rob or Rich should probably be the lithe damsel in distress.

Team JapanNeedsSPNLovesNotTeamFreeWill

Comment: Rob and Rich and King Kong share green room.

Team SurroundedByIdjits

Team Widdermacker

Team TheBruteSquad

Team Vampirates

Team LovesLovesLovesSpaceducks

Team Purgatorgy

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